Thursday, November 21, 2013

my honey, my moriarty

Joanna Marie is patiently waiting for the return of 'the' Jim Moriarty

Saturday, November 9, 2013

God bless, Leyte

my housemates and i watched the comprehensive news on ANC about the effects of typhoon yolanda in tacloban. it's heartbreaking and i can't help but cry to what happened to all the victims of the storm spurge last friday. i pray for the fast recovery of leyte.

Friday, November 8, 2013

paalam, yolanda

i woke up on a sun shinee day! the calm after the storm seeped through my kokote and i let in a deep sigh of relief, stretched my relaxed body and got out of bed and said my farewell to the strongest typhoon that hit the country this year.

i salute the government officials who have done their jobs very well, even before yolanda struck the philippines. from the national to local officials who were swift in warning and evacuating their constituents to safe places among the affected areas in the country. i also thank the media for responsibly updating the people about the whereabouts of yolanda. and to all the filipinos who have cooperated with their leaders, to all the people who have extended their help to one another amidst the calamity, to all who have prayed for everyone's security, hats off to you!

no matter what the storm brings, i know that the filipino spirit will weather it all. let's gather the pieces that yolanda has left us and stand strong again.

...there's always a rainbow after the rain...


so, i've seen the first two episodes of sherlock holmes weeks ago. i adore sherlock's beautiful mind and dr. watson's constant confused look. hehehe. but hey, john's loyalty to holmes is admirable.

today is a good day. (never mind typhoon yolanda's wrath.) today, i met the equally adorable villain in sherlock holmes life, jim moriarty. i normally hate villains. but the moment sherlock's archenemy appeared on screen and maximized the movements of his facial muscles and did voices and somewhat delivered his lines as if in a musical, ahhhh...i fell in-love. oh, i need to note that moriarty's ringtone is "staying alive". isn't that lovely?

 okay, moving on...season 2, episode 1...

Thursday, November 7, 2013

eto na si yolanda

tara woke me up at 8 am. we evacuated our important stuffs to the attic. kyra cooked some food. we packed our picnic box with lots of food and took them to the attic as well, in case of flood.

yolanda is here. we're all gathered in the living room, watching 'it's showtime', while yolanda is blowing strong wind and heavy rain outside. 

kami ay laging handa

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

preparing for yolanda

i got home at a usual time, 12:15 a.m. as i got through the gate, i was surprised to see that all the lights in the house are on. i was even surprised to see that all my housemates are still up. 

i found out that they have been preparing the emergency light, candles, matches and lighters, charging their cellphones, they even bought more food supplies at the supermarket this evening. 

everyone is bracing themselves for super typhoon yolanda. so am i. i hope this one will not be as disastrous as the papers describe it to be.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

in character

Nanny Mcphee (Andy), Non-Goth Misa (Iris), Holly Golightly (Mich), Merida (Kira-san), Itachsuke (Molly) and Kentucky Fried Chicken (Berl).