Wednesday, June 28, 2017

ei oli pahaa

the long weekend is coming to an end. it is, by far, the nicest and calmest (by that, i mean that i didn't encounter many drunk people in the island) Juhannus weekend that i've had.

we arrived in the island at past midnight on friday and after settling down, we went to sleep and woke up at 10. we had breakfast and joined in the "forest quiz". it was a cool and quite sunny day, so it was totally nice to have a walk in the forest. plus, little Aleksandra entertained me.

after the walk, we went back to the shop, had dinner, went to sauna and at around 10, we danced the "hulahula". i was surprised at how everyone was in the mood for a dance.

yötön yö

the shipclub's version of "hulahula"

 Juhannus bonfire

 the beauty of mother nature

sailing in the middle of the night from salinsaari to hietasaari

we spent the next day playing mölkky by the shore while drinking champagne. sweet life! and in the evening, after Aleksandra was put to bed, we ate cake and drank more champagne while listening to the rain outside. sweet, sweet Life!

on sunday, we left the island at about 10am and drove to Vääksy canal. we bid farewell to Sanni, Sauli and Aleksandra and we stayed by the harbor to watch the F1 race.

it's always fun to watch the race when Riccardo wins in the end!
i love that big smile on his face!

ended the long weekend with a memory of a sunny day!

Thursday, June 22, 2017


i have been dreading this day because of the bad memory that i had on my first juhannus here. unfortunately, there's no escape from this. but this, too, shall pass...

still went to my work practice this morning. it was so sunny in the morning, that it was hard to believe, it felt so weird!

our updated flower cart

pre-celebrating Juhannus with Vappu sima and Joulu pulla 🍻

when it was time to go back to work, this happened

now this makes it more like Juhannus!

as i write this, we are sailing to the island where the sailors are happily drinking to their heart's desires. and for me, i get to enjoy this....


Thursday, June 15, 2017

my Allium addiction

since the Allium x Hollandicum have started blooming in the garden last week, i have been obsessed about them. i couldn't start my work without dropping by to spots where they can be found, and i just stand there and admire the great purple sensation ball!

and today i discovered another blooming Allium karataviense in the E-Puu. it's equally beautiful as the purple sensation. 

i'm so in-love with Alliums 😍 i want to have them in our frontyard too! can't wait to plant the bulbs in autumn 😄

Thursday, June 8, 2017

the city life

for three weeks now, i have been traveling to the city every weekday. living in a small city for a few years now, i have gotten used to the quiet, relaxed and friendly kind of life.

of course, i know that the city life is different. but i haven't been fully prepared for it. 

first, it's noisy. when i get out of the bus station, there are usually groups of people hanging around in the corners, and they talk so loud, even shouting to each other. that scares me.

second, everyone's busy. i love relaxing walks. but in the city, that seems impossible. everyone is walking so fast. i remember on my first day, i felt like drowning with all the people walking against, behind and beside me. i got bumped by some of them a few times. and with that, i feel like i have to walk fast too. that i won't mind the other people around me. it's stressful.

third, wonders. not everything is "unlikable" in the city. the other day, my friend at the garden, a certified city-dweller, showed to me the tunnel from train station to the bus station. by the entrance of the tunnel, there's a flower shop and bake shop (which is a big plus!) and also, when it's raining, it's the best alternative route. it also saves me from waiting for the traffic lights to turn green.  for some reason, the tunnel feels magical, that whenever i climb the stairs to go out, i imagine getting out in Paris or Rome. this is one thing i like about the city.

finally, the gardens. the garden where i'm doing my practice now, and the other beautiful gardens around the city. my heart is so filled with happiness to see new blooms everyday 🌸

summer rain

it was raining in Helsinki the whole day. i'm happy that the plants got something to drink after two sunshiny days. and i had fun planting. it reminded me of my childhood when i played with mud. happy days 😁

 planted Cannas in front of the gallery 

and the BEST thing about today is coming home to my babies who i missed so much!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

planting annuals

a perfect day to plant flowers! we had about 20 degrees in the city today and clear blue skies.

Merja, our greenhouse gardener picked up a trailer loaded with annuals for the flower beds and pots. i'm so happy that i got to be involved in this task.

when we went to the underground kasvihuone, i found this mehipuu and i fell in-love with it. i wish i could take it home.

i'm so satisfied and tired after this day's work. and as i sat in the bus, i just enjoyed the view of the sunny world!