Sunday, November 15, 2009


i came home from a belly-bulging-Volda-Øresta trip with ate hazel, kuya geir, berta and rafael last night at around 7. while we were driving back to Stryn, i was already planning on how to spend my saturday night.

mmmm...first, chocolate-feeding. then, i will work on my listening comprehension for the TOEFL. after that, i will relax, play lover's in paris and splurge on paprika-flavored potato chips.

but the moment i went into my room, Felix was there, attacking me with all his fast-paced stories which i can hardly comprehend. an hour after that, mader knocked on my door and asked if our terrier could stay in my room for the night, or at least, until their party ends. okay, no problem. a little less than an hour later, Rebecca knocked on my door and asked if Felix could sleep in my room because he's scared to sleep alone. okay, no problem.

the minute i closed my door, with the two boys in my boudoir, i went crazy as they filled my room with adrenaline rush. oscar wouldn't stop whinning and scratching my door. obviously, he wanted, so much, to join the party of 14 people downstairs. huh! talk about a very social animal. and Felix? oh well, apart from the fact that he was annoyed for being banned to go downstairs, he was pissed because my pc works rather slowly, and he didn't have the patience to wait until the system is finished downloading those bakugan episodes. his whinning was far more annoying than oscar.

patience....patience is a virtue...i had to repeat my mantra for a hundred times to collect my remaining sanity.

with my well-planned saturday night gone to the trash, i just made the best out of what i can do. i cleaned my nails. when Felix was already asleep, i had the chance to see lover's in paris. but, with oscar's unending whinning, barking and scratching, i wasn't able to sleep until 3 in the morning.

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