had time to play with my energetic friend, Fasu. she's just as crazy as i am, when it comes to snow.
just asking her, if she wants to build a snowman
awwww...aren't they sweet?
valentine apples in prisma

sushi and sangria with my wonderful latina and latino friends. me no hablar espanol, but entender un poco.
sushi in the making...
with Juliana and Maria
buen provecho!
after my sushi date, i went home to check on my babies then ate jammie and matti picked me up for a rather unusual v-day date.
got this stamp before getting in the moottoripyörämuseo. i love it!!! made me think to have this kind of tattoo.
so this is where the burlesque show happened.
in Riku's bar.
it was entertaining...it was a surprise that
the women are more appreciative than men, though.
through it all, the best part of this day,
was going home
to my loves, Amanda and Fasu, and
cuddling with them...
we're just missing our daddy who's in Barcelona now.
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