Friday, June 19, 2020

weekend by the lake

after two months, daddy finally had a weekend off!!! hurrah! it was perfect timing that i had free days off, too. 

we talked about sailing, but towards the end of the week, the weather seemed gloomy. in fact, the weatherman reported strong wind and heavy rain for saturday and sunday. we didn't care. we packed our things, the food, the girls' food then headed to the lake. 

it was windy but it didn't rain. it was around 10 in the evening when we reached Kelvenne. on the side of the island where we docked, there were two campers and us. so it was really quiet, except for the howling of the wind. 

sunday morning was still windy. we had breakfast then we headed to the forest for a long walk.

oh, how i miss taking long walks with daddy and Fasu. i just really miss spending time together with them. and also to spend the day without any hurry or worries.

i've had lazy days, alone, during the quarantine. but i also like having lazy days with daddy. it's something special to me, since he works long days.

hopefully, we'll have more of these lazy times this summer.

this is at Kelvennenlampi. Fasu went for a swim. We threw sticks for her to fetch. She really likes to do that. She didn't even want to leave.

walking in the forest with these two

warm day for Fasu


just us by the beach


morning coffee

cheers to the captain

we usually make coffee in this pot when we are in Vaski

June 6-8 was a great weekend! i hope we'll get more chance to be by the lake this summer 😊


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