i woke up this morning and the first person who entered into my semi-conscious mind...hugh jackman. what could be better than that? huh?! seriously, hugh brightened the hues of my saturDAY!
so, instinctively, i got out of my bed and checked the time. it was only 0830. let's say, it's quite early to get up on a weekend. but what the heck! i needed to check on my hugh!
i turned on my obsolete pc and at times like these i needed to recite my mantra "patience is a virtue" for 1 million times before getting to the main page. okay...moving on....
youtube. i checked on the oscar's 2009. overwhelming emotions drowned me. i played the video clips in random. first, hugh and beyonce's medley of the greatest musicals ever! seeing hugh perform was a surprise to me! i know that he does musicals too, but i've never seen him perform. and seeing him like that, in the only thing that i am most passionate about, totally swept me off my seat. every vein in my human body was tingling. and before i even realize it, tears were streaming down my unwashed face. (yes, i could be so touchy sometimes when i watch a very outstanding stage performance) i needed to contain my emotions before moving on to the next clip which was the introduction. brilliant! totally brilliant! he's the guy who could put on a real show! i almost forgot that it was the oscar's. he certainly deserved the standing ovation from the greatest actors and actresses.
talk about starting the day right, huh!
PS. i thought i had so much to write about hugh....but something more distracting came up. and i couldn't formulate my thoughts quite properly. how can this possibly happen in one day?
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