introducing ... Kyle and Andy
kyle is andy's love interest in chowking. she's really fond of him and her pupils dilate everytime she sees him. i promised andy to tag along with her when she feels like dropping at chowking for a bowl of halu-halo and a glimpse and little drop of happiness of seeing kyle.
this was last monday, march 5, 2012. i consider this as a failed attempt to capture kyle's ka guapohan. he's the only waiter in the store and i've never seen anyone move as fast as he did that night. and he stuttered and stumbled when andy flashes him a smile.
next time, i'll capture a photo of him and post it on andy's cube :)
okay, since i failed on kyle, i just took a photo of the webex group + andy
(left to right) Liez (as i prefer to call her), Andy, Ingrid, Mina and Karen. my ka foodtrip webex group :)
by the way....this is manong ________ .... a sleeping guard outside chowking
he's the subject that made me lucky that night...
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