Monday, January 28, 2013

my world is gray

the weather has been so kind to me these past days. i think it has been going on for two weeks now. the sky is always covered with nimbostratus clouds. it gives me a feeling of sluggishness and a nice excuse to daydream while riding on the jeepney to work and certain extent of happiness that comes from beyond those gray clouds.

some people whom i know find it gloomy and it affects their moods. but for me, i feel joyous every time i get out of the house and look at the sky. i would give a loud "yes! it's cloudy again!" cheer inside my head. and i would go on smiling for the rest of the day. it's not just the clouds. i count the cool breeze in, too, for making my days extra wonderful!

i cherish today and the past days. i will cleave to the coming days that will be enveloped with lovely dark clouds and gentle wind. 

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