Thursday, September 23, 2010

love-bugged blog

if i write one more thing about love here, then i should start making a new blog which will be called "love-bugged".

i can't help it! i'm surrounded by so much love these days that all i can think about is love.....and Andrè.

last night, i watched a documentary about a girl who never believed in love. she set off with her friend to interview married couples, gay couples, divorced men, newly weds, couples who were together for 50 years and so of the couples said (and this statement really struck me) "it's so difficult to find true love in this world, so if you find it, keep it"....i'm contemplating on that statement for 24 hours now.

anyway, this girl, Charlene, was an outgoing girl, very nice, intelligent, talented...she said a lot of times that she doesn't believe in love but she was hoping to find her one true love anyway. so i was thinking that, she believes in love afterall. she just doesn't want to admit it. too proud to admit it, i guess.

it so happened that she met a guy in a party that she's been to. they started to go out. in the process of the doc, i saw love in her eyes. but she was still denying it. and it was so annoying! how can she deny something that is so wonderful? how can she deprive herself from the beautiful feeling of loving another person and being loved in return? huff! thank goodness...because in the last 10 minutes of that 87-minute documentary, she finally had the courage to face love and submit herself to that wondrous feeling! huff! huff!


this morning, when we were having breakfast, Finn-Einar was in a "i'm-very-in-love-with-Kjersti" mood. he was so affectionate that i felt embarrassed to be sitting in front of them, while he was trying to kiss Kjersti on the cheeks. oh, love is just all around me!

tomorrow, i'm going to the city of love! wow! how lovable! and take note, i will be with ate Hazel, who is so in-love right now! hahaha!

and i miss my one true love who is in a plane to Thailand now...i miss him so much that it hurts...and he is the "one love" whom i want to be around with....

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