Sunday, April 28, 2013


omg! i did it! i did it!

i've befriended the baking soda, baking powder and flour!

oh, boredom! you've given me something worthwhile to do and something that my housemates can feast on!


banana cake in the oven

i headed to the supermarket, bought some of my "enemy" ingredients and headed back to balay jaro. 

today, i defied my curse in baking.

am i still cursed or not? well, the pan's still in the oven. judgement will be up in a few minutes.

scary...with the capital S!


Sunday, April 21, 2013

back to Villa for GL Steph's farewell party

i will surely miss her laughter and loud voice in the office. i'll miss her constant surprise visit in my cube and our talks about life, love and wanderings. but she must spread her wings and wander the world. i'm happy that i've known her. i really appreciate her help and guidance while i was still a struggling neophyte in the company.

the great G4 (plus some people from G1 and G2)

 never mind the heat of the sun
we're here to have fun!

then and now
thanks, gl steph and G4!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

random clicks

seat for one @ red's

they were inspired by my colorful nails 

spanish plums from my bestfriend

playtime for fayella and aazka

happiness in the eyes of the children

i'm under this clear blue sky

loops and secrets

loving taebo

my second time at the esplanade this week for the taebo exercise. it's good that a lot of ilonggos are more and more conscious about their health. it's more fun to be healthy!

fresh buko juice with bits of buko meat delight! the best reward after working out. refreshingly good ;) !

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

meeting jm in person

my dream of meeting jm in person just came true last sunday, april 7 at the robinson's mall. i finally saw his charming smile in person! my world stopped at some point. my legs weaken and my hands shook when i asked for his autograph. i could have died while chatting for a few seconds with him. 

thank you, jm for making my dream come true. i wish you all the best in your career. i'm hoping to see more of you on indie films. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

his and her album cover

what a coincidence!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

chasing jm

i'm heading off to the robinson's to see jm. i hope i can get an autograph from him...or a picture with him, maybe? aaaahh!!! wishawishawish!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

suplaida and mondemonyo

laida magtalas and miguel montenegro taught me a few things today. a big word. once you've earned it from someone you should value that big word. be trustworthy.

love is a choice. yes, sometimes you can't help to fall in love with someone, but the choice is still yours to give in or not to the feeling. once you've made a decision, you have to stand up for it.

forgiving someone, like love, is a choice. it may be hard to do and it may take time to be truly prepared for it. but you can never move on until you've forgiven the people who've hurt...until you've forgiven yourself. once you've learned how to forgive, you have to make a decision everyday to never ever bring up the past. 

be true to yourself and your feelings.

do not allow yourself to be with another person just because you need him or her. you need to be with that person because he or she is the one that you truly love.

be good. most of us aim to be the best. at times, you hurt the people around you because they may seem to be hindrances to your goal of being the best. you forget to be good. being good is more than enough. no matter what experiences you go through life, just remember to be good. 

don't promise a happy ending to someone. instead, do everything you can to have a happy ending with that someone.

close the door when you walk out of someone's life.

smile with your eyes. 

thank you, laida and miggy. i had a fun time with you and zoila and her friends. i've seen your love grow through the years. it's good to see how you've both matured. thank you for all the lessons that you've shared....this is the time for a big power hug :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013



would you eat green kringles?

berl dared. because she's wearing green,
she can eat anything green.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

wig on your bread

i stood in front of this bread at the bakery for a long time.
the baker must have a creative mind to produce something like this. but my creative mind refused to eat something foamy and hairy and mossy on the top of my bun. 

sorry, pork floss.
i'll go with the mamon.
maybe next time, i'll have the courage to eat you.

we have babies na!

hello kuya Oscar! how are you na?

i want you to meet our new housemates, fayella and aazka. my friend can't take care of them anymore, so the people here in the big brother's house offered a new home for them. they are very playful like you. i'm so sorry that i don't have enough time to take them for a walk but i make sure to spend time with them when i can. karen and i just gave them a bath and they loved it. it just takes a longer time to groom them with the blower and all. it's comforting to come home and give them big big hugs.

oh, how i miss you, kuya O! you will always be my one and only puppy love ♥ ♥ ♥

Monday, April 1, 2013

mind and spirit

kokology is the study of the mind or spirit, 
in Japanese, kokoro. the book consists a series of
questions that will depict one's personality. most of 
the situations in the book are funny and innocent 
and the revelations that we got made us roll on the bed
with laughter and even made my younger sister shed 
a tear for some sentimental reasons. it was fun knowing
something new about my sisters.

kokology is a great book 
and the experience of 
playing it with people close to me 
is one of the happiest days of my holy week!

to the creators of the book,
Tadahiko Nagao and Isamu Saito,
mata yoroshiku onegaishimasu.