Saturday, April 29, 2017

last week

the captain's home after a week of racing in Sweden. it's so nice to come home to the smell of lasagne baking in the oven. it's always special when he makes lasagne 😀

i also had an interview for the internship in England. the place looked so nice in the pictures that Marco showed to me and Tommi. i'm so excited to do some work experience there for a month. but checking on the visa processing kind of disheartened me. it seems so complicated 😟 my teacher already assured me that they will extend any help that i will be needing for the visa. i just need to hear from the sponsor's side.

at school, we had mittaus on monday. i enjoyed it a lot! on tuesday, Stina was sick. we were left in the mercy of the new school gardener. we were asked to rake the leaves all around the main manor. it started to snow when we were doing the job. it was so cold, windy and snowy. after the first break everyone just wanted to leave. it was cold, yes, but i wouldn't complain much because that's how it will be when we are in the actual field. we have to do the job whatever weather it will be. anyways, some of my classmates left after lunch. we stayed for one more hour to do some math 😜 

we went to the movies and watched fast and furious 8 🚓

Wednesday, trip to Suomenlinna. i went by bus to Helsinki and walked to the harbour. i was there an hour earlier, so i had time to drop by the bookstore!!! it's always a delight to be surrounded by books. 

it was a windy, snowy and cold tour around the island. but we had some good infos about the history of the island and its vegetation. 

thursday was a tough day. we cleaned the perennial flower garden. the school gardener was really strict about the time and getting the job done. phew!! in the car on the way home, we were all so tired. when i got home, i took a nap and it took a lot of effort to get out of bed and go to the grocery store. after dinner, i went straight to bed and woke up to a sunny friday morning.

to end the week, we went to hirvihaara golf course in mäntsälä. we had an orientation about the place, the machines that they are using, grass maintenance, soil analysis, etc. i felt so stupid because there are still so many things that i don't know of and it scares me that my first internship will start next month 😨

i ended my friday with a date with myself, Beauty and the Beast! i love the movie as much as i love the animation. one problem with knowing the animation by heart is to stop myself from singing along with the songs or even saying the lines out loud. 

Sunday, April 23, 2017

a gathering at the harbour

the satama was filled with people today. associations had their kiosks as they offered information about what they could offer to people. my teachers in kansanopisto were there, too! surprise! i felt guilty because i haven't attended my evening language class for a while now. nevertheless, it was nice to catch-up with my teachers. 

there were performances from Thai, African and local groups. i missed the Thai dance number because i came late. but i loved the cat tango duo of maria leena and her friend. i love their costume. i love their youthful spirit! if i ever get to their age, i hope i would still be as energetic as they are.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

a concert in the forest

Fasu's brother came some time in the morning to pick her up. they spent the day in the race track. i'm glad to have some "me time" to walk in the forest. i loved listening to the bids sing! i was smiling all the 6km way that i walked around saksala and liipola. 

thank you mother nature for all the wonderful things that i saw, heard and felt.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


i've never enjoyed mittaus päivä as much as i had today. it takes time to warm-up with math, but when i get the hang of it, i kinda like it! 

we did some measurements in the classroom first before we dispersed into two groups and did the actual mittaus in the frontyard of one building at school. 

i'm sure that the sunny day was one of the reasons why i had a good time dealing with numbers today 🌞

P.s. i got my perennat tentti results!!!!

i'm so relieved with this outcome 🐝

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

the Easter that was

my sister came over from Denmark to spend the Easter with us. it was nice to spend time with her again. we walked around the city for our good friday penitensya 🙌 we went to Tallinn and walked around the old city, which i really love. it snowed and it was windy and cold, but we enjoyed the every minute of it.

i'm over with perennials, for now

perennial plants test is over! yehey! i feel relieved to finally go through our last test for this course. passing the test is another thing, though. i'm skipping school today, so i won't get my testpaper back until after Easter. 

so, aside from "studying" perennials, i have been enjoying school for the past days. the day before yesterday (11.4), we did some oak tree maintenance along the school's driveway. we used a pair of japanese trimming shears and some ordinary ones, small saw and clippers. there were only five of us in the group, so we had more chance to learn and practice. 

12.4. we practiced using a small Kobelco digging machine and Giant, too in moving some rocks, compost and gravel. i was surprised that i actually enjoyed using the digging machine. it was like playing a computer game! 

Monday, April 10, 2017

today's school work

i volunteered to tear up a slide structure from the frontyard of one of the buildings at school. with tools on hand, i did the destruction with my groupmates. 

i like destroying things. this is just not one of them. i didn't know that taking out the bolts and knots was hardwork 😑

P.s. on the way to the train station today, i was stopped by the neighbor's cute cat...

oops, i asked the wrong question!

yesterday, i exercised my right to vote... for the first time. 

and today, on our way to school, the boys were talking about the elections. i was just half-listening to what they were talking since i didn't understand most of their conversation anyway. then Ville asked if i've been keen on the political groups here. i told him that i listen to updates about what the political groups are up to and their plans and promises on the radio. without any bad intentions, i just blurted out the question, "so what political group do you support?" there was a second of silence. then he said, that's like talking about religion. it's something that they don't talk about around here. oooppsss!!! major mistake! but the boys were forgiving about my tactless blurt out. 

i've learned a lesson today 😉 

Friday, April 7, 2017

happy way to end the week

the last two days of this week had been dabis dabis of all the school days that i've had for the past six months.

the other day we had asiakaspalvelu in English! okay, i don't even feel angry that we had to wait for the teacher for an hour and a half because the rest of the day went so well 😁 if only everyday at school was like that, i'd be happier! my classmate even said to me during the class, "now i know how you feel". Ahuh! it's wonderful to be able to express myself in class 😄

and, to end the week, we had some practice in using some machines!!! last year, i feared this class because i didn't have any driving skills and the machines looked intimidating. but as they say, "conquer your fear!". and i have!

i was able to drive Komatsu, Giant, Bobcat and Avant machines! i want to give myself a pat on the back for being so brave 😎

P.s. i just can't help falling in-love with this Sempervivum

this kind of succulent i want to have....

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

fixing a couple of käytävää

i'm so glad that we are finally starting to do some maintenance work outside. it's still cold, but it's so much better than sitting in the classroom for 8 hours. 

this is our group's projects for today...

Monday, April 3, 2017

the diary of the lemon seeds, part 3

yesterday i gave my lemon seeds a new home.
i just transferred them to bigger pots so they'll have 
more space to grow.

also... i brought home a new baby today...

i was just admiring this Fittonia verschaffeltii "Nana"
in one shop yesterday, but they were closed already. so i went back there today because i really want to have this baby 🍃💕

 i brought home this mini aloe vera some days ago 
and i just repotted it today, too 😊 

green is happiness!