Wednesday, December 10, 2014

out of work

it's my second day off from work and for someone who hasn't been at home for a long time, even on the weekends, this momentary experience is making me feel restless.

it's funny, because when i am at work, all i think about is being at home, watching movies, sleeping, reading...but now that i am actually living it, i don't know what to do!

yesterday, i decided to go to the grocery store to buy some ingredients to make cookies and bread. i felt so lazy during the daytime that i managed to face the flour, eggs, butter, etc. late in the afternoon. when i was done, it was almost my bedtime. 

cut-out cookies with my favorite sprinkles

kurvapusti, which my captain has requested for me to make

the house smelled like pulla when jukka came home late from work. then he had a conversation with the pulla and he just can't stop eating them. oh, that sweet pulla boy!

now, i'm browsing on the net for some other cookie recipes. any suggestions?