Saturday, March 29, 2014

Therese's 2nd birthday party

a celebration of my god daughter's second birthday party. 
here's the entire family with Jollibee

happy birthday, Nene Therese. we love you!!!

it has always been my dream to have a picture with Jollibee, too!
and today, i got my wish! yahoo!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

feels like my childhood summer

i woke up and sniffed the morning air and i was suddenly taken back 20 or something years ago. 

the air was damp, like it rained all night long, but the promise of a sunny day peeked through the slats of the bamboo wall of my parents house. and if i were really back in the morning of the 1980's, my cousins and friends would drop by anytime from now and ask my mom if i can go with them to the beach. if my mom would say yes, i would get out of bed like "the flash", grab a towel and run with my friends to the sea shore. swimming, coin searching under the water, floating, racing to the farthest reef and castle building would engulf us until noon or until my uncle would whistle, calling us to come home. then, i would eat lunch. my mom would order us to take siesta after lunch. but as a child, i was always restless and i was always thinking of playing or climbing a tree or picking up flowers and summer fruits or digging up peanuts and turnips or going to the farm. so, i usually played a trick and pretended to be sleeping and sneaked out of the house when my mom has left for work. then, my cousins and i would run to the fields or go to my uncle's house and enjoy the fresh coconut juice, the papayas and sineguelas that my uncle would get for us. we would take a rest in the "kamalig" and wait for our tummies to digest all that we've eaten. before sunset, we would run back home and get our plastic bags and run back to the sea shore to dig up some shells. i'm not good in finding shells, so my cousins would usually give me a share of their catch. when the sun's down, we'll go home for dinner and at around 7, we'll all gather up in the middle of the street to play, "ens", "panagu-ay" or "lagsanay". after an hour or so, we would all go back to our own homes, take a shower and sleep. and basically do the same things the day after. but it was never a bore. i enjoyed every single bit of my childhood summer. 

snap! reality check...

it's 20 or something years after, when i smell the summer air, i would get out of bed, take a shower and go to work. and basically do the same thing everyday. 

i want to go back to the summer of 1980's.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

here comes the rain again

thank heavens for the rain. i was able to sleep peacefully all through the night until 11 this morning. the most wonderful surprise is to wake up with the sound of the rain on the roof. magical! amazing! i love rainy sunday mornings!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

pulaw over the coffee prince

wala namang caffeine, pero hindi talaga ako pinatulog neto...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

where have their other 8 lives gone?

when Andy came into my cube with red teary eyes, i knew something was really wrong. she couldn't utter a word at first. i urged her to tell me what was wrong because the suspense was making me crazy. 

she blurted out that the kittens are gone. and i said, 'gone? where?'. she said, 'gone. there's only one left'. silence...then, i understood. ooohhh...i feel so sorry for Andy's loss.

she was so exuberant the week before i left for Bora because her cat Neko gave birth to four white kittens. she called them 'my first grandkittens'. she promised to let me adopt one of them. and i was so excited, too. i'm not really a cat person. but the thought of having my first cat ever, kind of woken up my motherly instinct. i started to read blogs on how to take care of kittens. i even convinced my roommate and my housemates to let me have that kitten. 

and this...

unfortunately, Neko was not prepared for motherhood and she abandoned her kittens a few days after she had them. Andy gave her everything for those kittens. she abandoned us for a week and would go home early from work to take care of them. Andy kept the kittens warm, fed them with milk, and stayed up all night long to watch over them. 

but this...

i understand how painful this is for Andy. she has been attached to those kittens like a real mother. even i, feel saddened about this. 

i really hope that that one kitten will survive. and if it will, i told her to keep it, because it's meant to be with her.

i'm feeling hopeful that there's another miming for me out there... 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

a trip to storybrooke

i miss my fairytale friends. so here i am, having my morning coffee in storybrooke with rumpelstiltskin aka mr. gold, snow, mulan, belle, aurora, the princes, regina and the dwarves.


i didn't let the taho vendor just pass by me today. i always hear him shout "tahoooo...ho!" every morning. i'm kind of hesitant to try it. but well, there's always a first. i immediately went out of the house when i heard him from a distance. he served me this cup of fresh soft tofu, caramel and sago pearls. it's surprisingly good! a nice late morning snack for my hungry tummy ^_^

Monday, March 3, 2014

soon, i'm going to have my own miming ^_^

i love how this stray cat posed for me.

purrryyy day 

coffee overload

i did it again. i craved for a warm cup of dark coffee after my classes on sunday evening. as expected, i stayed up until the wee hours of the next day. the roosters were already crowing, while i was still, well, kind of, cleaning up the clutter in my room.

with only about 3 hours of sleep, i woke up and had a class with Ken-san (over a cup of coffee). when i got to the office, my nerves were acting crazy and i was restless. i contained myself in my cube, did my reports and half an hour later, i was napping, just in time for my break. 

donats broke into my cube when i woke up and asked me to have a cup of coffee with her at the lounge. deep in my kokote, i know that i shouldn't have another cup. so i told her that i'll just sit with her while she's having one. i filled my tumbler with cold water and sat with her. aaarrggg!!! the coffee's aroma was killing me. then the talking clock saved me from my immature death by warning me for my next class. i excused myself from donats and ran to my cube with a certain pride that i survived the coffee temptation. 

black and white

nobody can go wrong with a black and white outfit on a monday. it's always surprising how the "ggg" can be color-coordinated without even talking about it.

*with a touch of Andy's red trademark, of course ^^*

Sunday, March 2, 2014

loving you tonight and forever more

my dear Jukka, 
i love you from Pluto and back...