Monday, April 10, 2017

oops, i asked the wrong question!

yesterday, i exercised my right to vote... for the first time. 

and today, on our way to school, the boys were talking about the elections. i was just half-listening to what they were talking since i didn't understand most of their conversation anyway. then Ville asked if i've been keen on the political groups here. i told him that i listen to updates about what the political groups are up to and their plans and promises on the radio. without any bad intentions, i just blurted out the question, "so what political group do you support?" there was a second of silence. then he said, that's like talking about religion. it's something that they don't talk about around here. oooppsss!!! major mistake! but the boys were forgiving about my tactless blurt out. 

i've learned a lesson today 😉 

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