Sunday, September 2, 2012

friday night afterschock

a 7.6 earthquake shook the visayas region at 20:50 last friday. while waiting for mr. adam, i felt a tremor and i thought andy was running at the hallway again. but when it didn't stop after a few more seconds, i got out of my cube and saw everyone rushing to the cellphone locker to get their phones. we were then advised to abandon our classes and get out of the building. mapa street was filled with people and jeepneys. everything stopped for a moment and everyone was either praying or calling their families at home. the management decided to send everyone home earlier than usual. the friday group was glad that we can chow earlier, too. while eating our stress out, we were vigilant for some aftershocks and we were glad that there weren't any. we got out of chowking and stopped by at the capitol because we heard some alternative rock music from a famous band. that was our aftershock. we gatecrashed in a university party. we didn't know that it was an exclusive party until one of the teachers asked us to go home because it was getting late already. ooopsss! aftershock blooper!

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