Wednesday, April 2, 2014

DFA, your joke's not funny!

it was awful to get a news from the DFA that my passport was delayed due to technical problems in manila. to get that kind of news on april fool's day isn't really funny. and the fact that it wasn't a joke, at all, was too annoying for me! 

i called the office to give me a definite date or number of days until i can get my passport, but the woman who answered my calls wasn't very helpful. aaarrgggghhh!!! 

if the DFA has been experiencing technical problems since January, they should have anticipated the delays and the least they could do is inform the public beforehand, instead of collecting an extra php250 from each applicant who is hoping to have their passports after 10 days. sure, that is a small amount, but the thought that they already know that this delay would happen, is none other than cheating! well, that shouldn't sound surprising. after all, that's the expertise of the government offices. 

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