Sunday, August 14, 2022

days 160 & 161 of 365 | the life of Joanna Marie

i watched "Elvis" the other day with daddy. i felt sad towards
the end of the movie. it's a very sad thing when you want to do something, and someone is manipulating you to do something else. what's even sadder is that you want to get out of that situation but you can't. 


i'm enjoying the remaining warm days of late summer. today has been 27 degrees. i went for a walk with Fasu in the forest. it was nice because we didn't encounter any other soul in the forest. maybe it was too hot for people to walk. i wanted to go deep further into the other side of the forest but i thought it would be too much for Fasu. 

my mood lately has been going crazy. it's getting out of hand. it's driving me crazy that i can't control my emotions. and i'm sure it's driving daddy even more insane how to handle me and my moods. 

good luck to both of us 😈

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