Tuesday, September 1, 2009

starting to choke

she has always wanted to be in a relationship. a hopeless romantic. dreaming of meeting her perfect man in the bus, elevator, in the mall...all of those far-from-reality scenarios on how people find their one true love.

now that she's into one, or so it seems, she's kind of scared and irritated. the fact is, she cares for this guy. she cares for him when she wants to. she loves him when she feels like it. she meets him only when she feels like she loves him. when all these feelings are absent, she retreats into her own world. she even forgets about him, until somebody wakes her up and remind her that she should never let go of this man. people around her tells her all the time, that she's so lucky to have found a man like him. she doesn't agree with them.

he wants to meet her soon. she doesn't want to. but she feels like she needs to. she knows that she can't give him up just now. and meeting him is like going into a party with no alcohol served.

he said, it will be fun seeing each other again. she thought, he doesn't even know the meaning of the word "fun".

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