Saturday, January 2, 2021

the 40-something me

now that i'm of this age, i have noticed some things (physical, emotional) that, could have already been within me before, but i haven't really given thought about...

okay, so physically....when i entered the gate of my 40's, i began to notice gray hair striking everywhere through my bushy head. they really bothered me at first. i would look in the mirror and check my hair and i pull out the gray ones right away. which, to my great annoyance, grow back almost there and then. the odd hair don't bother me as much now, but i've been considering dying my hair total gray. what's that saying? "if you can't beat them, join them".

losing weight is a struggle. i have always struggled with my weight since high school and i haven't gotten over that issue. but in my younger years, if i want to lose some weight, i would only eat like a spoonful of rice for each meal. that's 3x a day. and it worked. in those days of my youth, i had powerful control over my appetite. obviously, now, i am experiencing an irreconcilable fight with my diet. no matter how i incorporate exercise and a healthy diet in my routine, the weight just stacks up. well....well...

do i have to mention wrinkles and sunspots? 


emotionally, i feel like i'm getting more dispassionate. i don't like being emotionally attached to someone or something. i have become more irritable and impatient. i can no longer stand listening to someone talk about things that don't interest me. it makes me want to scream! i can put on a polite facade but inside, i want to bellow! i have become this control-freak that if things don't go as i want them to be, i get angry easily. and i want to be alone more now than ever....and spend my time reading, doing crochet, watching tv series or just sewing some plush silence

gosh! that sounds like i'm turning into a monster 😱

i used to love watching movies over and over again until i memorize the lines. but now, i can't stand watching any movie the second time especially when the conflict starts. i can no longer bear it.

p.s. when i turn out to be more horrifying than what i already am, i might update this one 🙈

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