Wednesday, July 6, 2022

day 134 of 365 | the life of Joanna Marie

my sister sent me two bottles of soju on my birthday. it's 13% alcohol. but i'm really wondering why i don't get drunk when i drink it. 

also, i'm wondering why i didn't get drunk last weekend when i've been drinking a lot. it's really a mystery to me because i know that i have a very low alcohol tolerance.

so last weekend, i had dinner with my co-workers. we were at this gastro pub that i've never been to before (well, i've never been to any pub before). before our food arrived, i already had one cocktail. and more cocktails came after that because they made really tasty ones. 

after dinner, some of my co-workers went home. i opted to stay with the younger ones because i just want to be out and enjoy and drink 😋

we went to another bar and ordered more drinks. then we took a taxi to the harbor and had more drinks there. at 12 midnight, i sent a message to daddy asking if he could pick me up. and he did.

since i came here, i have stopped drinking alcoholic drinks. okay, i would have a glass of wine or a can of cider every now and then. but nothing as much as i had last saturday night. 

and boy, those drinks were so delicious!

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