Saturday, November 17, 2012

for the girls

it wasn't just a weekend bonding. it was a training. hahaha!

i was so happy to get a message from my high school besties that they're on their way to the city. we met at the mall for lunch. after talking and cuddling with Nene, we checked the cinema schedule. the vampires from forks are going to face the volturis and we didn't want to miss it. however, there was a conflict with their appointment with the OB. for a while there, my mommy friends were torn between watching the "breaking dawn" or going to the clinic for the check-up. hahaha! well, not really! 

gigi drove us to the OB's clinic . while waiting for Janice's turn, Nene entertained us with her smile and laughter. i love carrying her around, even at the mall. in the clinic, she was full of energy and greeted almost everyone. ahhh...don't you just love babies!

after the check-up, we went back to the mall to catch the vamps and the wolves. we left Nene with the boys at the food court, to have some girl bonding. unfortunately, we missed the movie by half an hour and we were not allowed to get in anymore. ugh!

we carried our disappointments down to the ground floor where the boys and Nene were. they decided to do some shopping for the basics like milk and diapers and pacifiers and all those stuffs. 

i carried Nene while the mommies analyzed the difference of one diaper brand to another, the nutrients that one brand of milk has and one hasn't, the wonderings whether banana flavored gerber tastes better than apple flavored gerber, and stuffs that made me feel so out of place.  

it was good that Nene and i really got along well. i just love having her in my arms. she made me feel comfortable. well, not until her diaper leaked. i felt something dripping on my arm and i panicked! my voice raised a few decibels as i ran to Libet to report what happened. 

ugh! i blew my disguise as Therese's mom! i was demoted from being a mommy. i just pushed the cart filled with baby stuffs while Libet changed Nene's diaper. 

it was a fun practice for the bleak future of motherhood. but for now, i have to nurse my aching arms....

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