Saturday, September 11, 2010

early morning joys of sub-parenting

yesterday, i woke up stupified by Felix. i forgot that he has been sleeping beside me. he woke up earlier than i did, so, when i opened my eyes, his smiling face was the first thing to register in my half-awake mind. he said "joan, it's morning already" with a scary smile. i tried to ignore him and turned to the other side of the bed. but the insistent boy wouldn't give me another minute of snooze. charmed by his morning smile, i got up and gave him my brightest morning smile too.

it was the most relaxed early morning breakfast and walk-to-school that we've had for a long time. what a good day!

today is a saturday. normally, my weekend body clock wakes me up at 9 or 10 at max. this weekend is an exception. excited as he has been for this weekend, Felix woke up at 7 30 and kept on bugging me to wake up. he said, "joan, respect. wake up." and i said, "felix, respect. let me sleep a little bit more". he was silent for a few heartbeats. i was about to say thank you, when he hugged me and started to talk again...and when he starts talking, nothing and nobody can stop him. with my eyes closed and in a half-dreaming state, i would say "ja, mmmmmm or okay" once in a while when he asks "ikke sånt?" i told him to count from 1 to 100, and i'll get up when he's done. he got up, laid his head on my tummy and started counting. of course, he got to 100 without going through 50 and 60 and 70. i asked him to count to 1000. he finished counting faster than he did with the 100. i asked him to sing for me and i promised i'll get up. battling over the thought of singing to get me up or just letting me get my weekend sleep shut him up. yubeeee!!!! but hey, as i began to rejoice, he started singing..."a,b,c,d,e..." and i laughed amidst my annoyance. that song and Felix's effort to sing really made me get out of my bed.

it's a good feeling to wake up with a smiling and singing (oh, not to forget the counting) kid beside you.

what a joy!

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