Tuesday, May 17, 2011

what is your word?

i am still reading elizabeth gilbert's "eat pray love"...she was trying to find her word since she met the Italian Giulio. today, she found her word! antevasin, Sanskrit for “one who lives at the border.”

coincidentally, i stumbled into a new word today : )

"pulutong"...a word which was coined by cristian boarolo. google translate made a big joke with him early in the day. eventhough we don't have an exact word as that, i appreciate the thought that goes with the strange word. so, by the power bestowed upon me by the not-so-always-properly-correct-google-translate, i hereby proclaim cristian, "my pulutong".

i love that word. pulutong. it's infinite. pulutong. it can mean anything, everything. pulutong. i can say it again and again and a million times all over again without getting tired of it. i also have this constant smile on my face when i remember cristian's thoughtfulness.

so cristian has his own word.....

now, what's my word?

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