Friday, December 10, 2010

tantrum attack

my patience has been wearing off since yesterday. i know that it's me and only me. the people, pets, snow...everything around me for that matter, move around in a spontaneous manner. but i, me, myself and joanna marie, has been acting erratically. even the tiniest thing annoys me. even when felix bumped on me (which he always do, and i would normally bump back on him), annoyed me.

i was trying to keep myself together. really...

but today, i lost it. i felt like, everything around me was spinning so fast that i can hardly take a grip, the noise was unbearable, my legs were tired, my body just wanted to slouch on a hill of snow, i was restless...

the next thing i knew, i was in my bathroom, stomping my feet on the floor like a 3-year old kid would do, throwing my dirty clothes on the floor, groaning, almost on the verge of crying.

it's a shame, i know. that at this age, i still have tantrum attacks. but i can't help it. my mind was totally blocked, i couldn't think anymore. something evilish inside me wanted to be unleashed. to just go crazy! throw things! shout! cry!

urgh! i need to collect my self-control and rebuild my patience. now!

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